Jane Williams

Does God get what he wants all the time? How do his will and our freedom fit into the course of history, and how does prayer affect situations? Graham, Mike and Jane also look at the authority of the church as an institution and the canonicity of scripture. 

Following a relaxing break, Graham and Jane tell us about their summer reading: Harry Potter and Richard Dawkins. They’re later joined by Mike and Amy Orr-Ewing to discuss the place of our souls and memory after death.

Matthew Frost, director of the Christian development agency Tearfund, joins Graham, Mike and Jane to talk about poverty and social justice.

Nick Spencer, Director of Studies at the Christian think tank Theos, joins Graham, Mike and Jane to debate the ethics of Christian approaches to immigration and military conflict.

What is ‘the Gospel’ and what do we make of the Old Testament? Amy Orr-Ewing from the Zacharias Trust, an author, apologist, and church leader in south-east London, joins Graham, Mike and Jane to discuss.

What do we do when forgiveness is offered but not received? Might we still be able to fall into sin in the new creation? And do animals go to heaven? Graham, Mike and Jane get their teeth into a few meaty questions. 

Nicky Gumbel, vicar of HTB, joins Graham, Mike and Jane to discuss the Alpha Course and its global impact.

Tom Wright returns to talk about Israel as the historical people of God and as the modern political state. What is the place of the Jewish people and the land of Israel in the promises of God, from creation to new creation? Tom, Mike and Jane also discuss the ‘Rapture’, and the impact of how we think about ‘the end times’ on the ways we live, how we treat the world, and how we engage with political concerns.

Tom (N.T.) Wright, Bishop of Durham and an internationally respected New Testament theologian, joins Mike and Jane to discuss the Gnostic Gospel of Judas. Looking at the Gospel in its historical context, Tom addresses its relationship to the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. What does it mean to say that Jesus is Lord, in the 21st century, as in the 1st? And what do the Gnostic and canonical gospels have to say about the place of women?

Reflecting on their recent visits to China and Russia, while Mike is left running the place, Graham and Jane discuss the global church. Graham relates his experience of the Alpha course in the Orthodox Church, while Jane talks about the state and underground churches in China, covering subjects such as persecution and church growth, and the relationship between secular authorities and the church. The team also consider guidance, calling, and spiritual discernment.
