
In this Godpod renowned New Testament scholar Richard Bauckham joins the team for a discussion about the reliability of the Gospels and what we know about the historical Jesus. 

Mike, Jane and Chris explore the strengths and weaknesses of different translations of the Bible, including the King James Version, the New International Version, and The Message. The team also addresses the question of what we are to make of apparent contradictions in the Bible. Can all such passages be reconciled with one another? Or are they reflections of the different concerns of their authors? And, finally, did the Holy Spirit reveal truths to the Church Fathers that hadn't been revealed earlier to the apostles? [Recorded 21 May 2009]

Why didn’t Jesus write his own Gospel? Chris Tilling joins Graham, Mike, and Jane again to discuss the legacy of Jesus in the writing of the New Testament, the sending of the Holy Spirit, and the institution of the sacraments. And can God answer the prayers of people who wouldn’t consider themselves Christians, or who follow other faiths? How might we think about the intercession of saints?

What is ‘the Gospel’ and what do we make of the Old Testament? Amy Orr-Ewing from the Zacharias Trust, an author, apologist, and church leader in south-east London, joins Graham, Mike and Jane to discuss.
